If you made it here there is a reason. We were in your shoes 30 years ago and were almost forced out of business by national suppliers refusing to sell to our local market. We made attempts to utilize alternative suppliers and we could not compete due to poor product quality and pricing. We took it upon ourselves to learn to make seal coat. This decision changed our lives, now its your turn.

Make Xtreme Seal Coat

  • Reduce the price to +/- $1.56 per gallon
  • Making you a more competitive bidder
  • Put the profits where they belong, your business & your city
  • Put you in control of the material
  • Avoid go-backs or dealing with in-consistent batches
  • 100% accountability, seal coat on your schedule your way
  • Allow you to batch on the job site if needed, saving on trucking costs
  • Allow you to control the color of the material, to make it darker or lighter if needed
  • Allow you to control the thickness of the material
  • Allow you to make small batches or large batches as needed

Nation’s Best Suppliers

  • “Are there material suppliers near me that can supply the seal coat ingredients required to make XTREME SEAL COAT?”
  • ​Answer: There are many major suppliers of the required ingredients located throughout major and underlying cities in the US over the last 30 years we have created strong industry ties and worked with our clients across the nation; all the way from Hawaii to New York, to make one the most versatile and consistent seal coat products on the market.

  • We will find the closest material suppliers to your facility. Price per gallon is an important aspect our business, but more so we offer offer base and premium products and as such have proprietary knowledge of stronger materials that you can turn into premium products and increase profits.
  • STOP paying insane seal coat prices; one of our clients just went from buying seal coat at $3.00 per gallon and now is making their own seal coat right around $1.60. The entire price of our system and batch formulas can easily be paid for by the savings you can experience in just one seal coat season; possibly even half the season.